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5 Lesser-Known Ways To Use AI For Marketing

A rocket symbolizing AI taking marekting into the stratosphere
Written By

John Aikin

Published On

May 6, 2024


We're probably preaching to the choir here...

But AI isn't just another technological advancement.

It's possibly THE greatest technological advancement of the 21st Century.

Potentially of all time.

Quite simply, it's a game-changer for creative processes, offering unprecedented advantages that go far beyond simple task automation.

Imagine having the ability to craft messages not only with precision but with a depth of understanding and creativity that feels almost human.

This is the promise of AI in marketing—a promise that is already coming to fruition in many successful campaigns.

The thing is, most marketers are NOT making the most out of AI. 

We still see so many people type in a basic prompt into Chat GPT (or another AI platform)...

...and then simply publish whatever Chat GPT spits out.

That's a problem.

Because in our opinion, the first drafts AI produces aren't quite up to scratch.

(At least not yet, anyway...)

How To ACTUALLY MAke the most out of ai

Yet guess what?

We absolutely LOVE AI here at Web Canopy Studio.

Not because it allows us to be lazy and produce a ton of sub-par content...

But because it actually makes our work even better!

For starters, it allows marketers to engage in creative brainstorming without the confines of traditional barriers.

Whether it’s generating captivating content, coming up with innovative marketing strategies, or simply enhancing the engagement of existing campaigns, AI tools like ChatGPT can dive deep into the data and insights that drive successful interactions.

But the benefits don’t stop there.

These AI platforms provide a level of consistency and efficiency that can be difficult to achieve manually.

From drafting initial content ideas to refining messaging and optimizing engagement strategies, AI can handle a wide range of tasks swiftly and effectively.

This allows marketers, like you and me, to focus on what really matters—connecting with our audiences in meaningful ways.

In the following sections, I'll delve into some of the best (and lesser-known) ways to leverage AI for enhancing your marketing efforts, each illustrated with practical examples and tips on how to integrate these AI capabilities into your daily work.

By the end of this article, you'll have a clear understanding of how to use AI not just as a tool, but as a transformative asset in your marketing toolkit.

Let's explore how these sophisticated tools are not just shaping the future of marketing, but also how they can elevate your current strategies to new heights.

explanation of how marketers can actually make the most out of AI

1. Content Creation and Refinement

The KEY word in this sub-headline is "refinement."

After all, you already know one of the standout features of AI for marketing purposes is its astonishing ability to churn out content at lightning speed.

When you first dabble with AI for crafting blogs or whipping up those catchy social media posts, it feels almost like magic—a digital sleight of hand that turns empty pages into paragraphs of text in mere seconds.

Initially, this might seem like a clever party trick.

But when you lift the hood on it a bit, you see it's lacking depth.

But let's dive a bit deeper.

While the immediate output can sometimes come across as somewhat robotic or too generic, that doesn't mean it's the end of the road.

In fact, it's just the beginning.

AI Shines When Combined With Human Creativity 


The key here isn’t to hand over the entire creative process to the AI but to use it as a potent tool in your arsenal—a starting point that sets the groundwork.

AI excels at laying down the initial structure of content.

It can analyze vast amounts of data, identify trends, and generate a basic draft faster than any human could.

But what it lacks in personality and brand-specific nuances, you can introduce through refinement.

This is where you, as a marketer, step in to transform this preliminary scaffold into a vibrant piece that breathes your brand’s soul.

Think of AI as the apprentice in your creative workshop, handing you the raw materials.

You are the seasoned artisan that molds these into a masterpiece.

By combining AI’s analytical prowess with your creative insight, you can tailor content that resonates on a more personal level with your audience.

For instance, the AI might generate a draft on the latest trends in eco-friendly packaging—an excellent start.

Yet it might miss the playful tone your brand is known for or fail to include those engaging, relatable anecdotes that your readers love.

Nailing Your tone and brand voice with ai

Here’s how you do it:

Start by reviewing the AI-generated content to ensure it covers all the factual bases.

Next, infuse it with stories from your brand’s journey, quips, and perhaps a pun or two, if that’s your style.

Adjust the tone to match the conversational warmth or professional polish your audience expects.

Ask questions within your content to encourage reader interaction, and use feedback from these engagements to further tailor your approach.

You can also use AI to experiment with different content formats and styles.

Want to see how your blog would perform as a listicle or a how-to guide?

AI can help reshape the content to fit these molds, giving you multiple formats to test and optimize based on audience response.

Ultimately, this iterative collaboration with AI ensures that the content not only aligns with your strategic goals and brand voice but also maintains that human-like warmth that’s crucial for genuine connection.

The result?

Content that not only draws the reader in but engages them deeply, fostering a loyal community around your brand.

Nailing your tone and brand voice with AI

2. Interactive Brainstorming Sessions

Where remote work has become the norm rather than the exception, the traditional brainstorming session around a physical whiteboard has had to adapt.

This is where AI steps into the room—not just as a tool, but as a dynamic, contributing team member.

For teams that might lack the opportunity for spontaneous, desk-side brainstorming, AI fills this gap admirably, acting as an ever-ready brainstorming partner.

Let's talk about how AI can transform a typical brainstorming session into an interactive, innovative engine.

How ai analyzes data to provide you with better ideas

The first thing to understand is that AI isn’t just spitting out random ideas...

It's analyzing data, previous campaigns, and current trends to propose ideas that are not only creative but also relevant and actionable.

Consider the example of a marketing team at a mid-sized eco-friendly footwear company looking to launch a new product line.

The challenge?

They need a fresh, engaging campaign that highlights their sustainability efforts without feeling preachy or redundant.

Here’s how AI can play a crucial role:

Step 1: Setting the Stage

The team begins by feeding the AI detailed information about their brand, target audience, and past successful campaigns.

They also input current market trends and competitor activities.

Step 2: AI-Powered Ideation

The AI uses this data to generate a range of concepts.

For instance, it suggests a campaign focusing on the lifecycle of the product—from sourcing materials to the recycling stage.

It even drafts preliminary taglines.

Step 3: Human Interaction

The team reviews these AI-generated ideas and begins to iterate.

They like the lifecycle concept but decide to add a real customer journey aspect to it, showcasing actual customers who advocate for sustainability in their daily lives.

Step 4: Refinement and Expansion

Building on the AI's suggestions, the team uses another AI tool to simulate potential customer reactions to different slogans and visual themes, refining their approach based on this feedback.

Step 5: Campaign Development

Finally, the team uses AI to help storyboard the campaign’s visuals, suggest suitable social media platforms based on audience analytics, and even draft initial blog posts and ad copies.

Through this interactive process, AI has not only sped up the brainstorming phase but also introduced elements the team might not have considered, such as detailed audience analysis and predictive outcomes for different campaign themes.

This collaborative process ensures that the final campaign is not only innovative and fresh but also grounded in data-driven strategy and enhanced by creative human insight.

By integrating AI into your brainstorming sessions, you not only break the geographical barriers that might hinder team interaction but also enrich your creative process with insights that might be too vast or complex for human analysis alone.

This process involving both human creativity and artificial intelligence opens up new avenues for creative thought, ensuring your marketing strategies remain both innovative and effective.

5 steps to using AI to help your marketing team's efforts

3. Customizing and Training AI Models

The key to leveraging AI effectively in your marketing efforts is not just to use it out of the box but to tailor it meticulously to meet your unique needs.

This involves training AI models to understand the nuances of your target audience, your brand's voice, and the specific context in which your business operates.

Let’s dive into a detailed example to illustrate this point:

Suppose you are at the helm of a manufacturing company that specializes in high-end audio equipment.

Your target audience is audiophiles and professional musicians who are particularly sensitive to sound quality and the technological craftsmanship of audio devices.

To capture and engage this niche audience, your content needs to resonate on a technical and emotional level that acknowledges their expertise and passion for high-quality sound.

Here's how you do it:

Step 1: Defining Your Objectives

The first step involves defining clear objectives for what you want the AI to achieve.

In this case, your goal might be to position your brand as a thought leader in the high-end audio industry.

This involves not just promoting products but also educating your audience about the science and art of sound.

Step 2: Data Integration

Next, you integrate detailed data into the AI system.

This includes past successful content, customer reviews, frequently asked questions by your customers, technical data sheets of your products, and articles from leading voices in the audio technology field.

This data helps the AI understand the language, tone, and depth of content that your audience expects.

Step 3: AI Training

With this data, you begin the training phase.

Here, the AI model learns to mimic the intricate details of how audio technology is discussed among enthusiasts.

You would instruct the AI to use technical but accessible language, inject industry-specific terminology, and perhaps even reference known audiophile preferences and debates.

Step 4: Content Generation

Once trained, the AI starts generating draft content.

For example, it might create blog posts that delve into the impact of material choices on sound quality or how new technologies are revolutionizing sound reproduction in live performances.

Each piece reflects not just the factual groundwork but also the passion woven through the interests of your audience.


After reviewing the AI-generated content, you provide feedback to the AI, which is critical for further refining its understanding and output.

Maybe the first batch of articles was too technical for new entrants into the audiophile community.

You would then adjust the AI’s parameters to simplify some of the content while keeping the detailed discussions for feature pieces.

Step 6: Ongoing Customization

Over time, as you continue to feed the AI new data from latest industry developments and reader feedback, it learns and adapts, increasingly aligning its output with your strategic marketing goals.

It becomes better at forecasting trends your audience will care about or suggesting new topics that are gaining traction within the community.

Through this detailed process, AI  transforms into a dynamic ally in your marketing strategy, capable of producing highly targeted content that speaks directly to the interests and passions of your audience.

This customized approach not only enhances engagement but also builds a loyal following that sees your brand as an authority in the field.

4. Feedback and Editing

AI's power in editing and providing feedback transforms traditional editing processes, offering immediate, objective, and focused critiques that are essential for fine-tuning content before it reaches your audience.

Let's consider how AI can enhance the editing phase.

When you draft a new blog post or an article, the opening lines are your first engagement opportunity with the reader.

AI can analyze these crucial initial sentences to determine if they're captivating enough to hook your intended audience.

It does this by comparing your content against data from thousands of successful posts, recognizing patterns and elements that consistently engage readers.

For example, if your opening lacks a punchy start, AI might suggest kicking off with a compelling question, a vivid anecdote, or an intriguing statistic that directly relates to your readers' interests or challenges.

This type of AI-driven advice helps to ensure that from the very first moment, your content is engaging.

Beyond just the opening lines, AI excels in providing detailed feedback across your content.

It can assess the overall tone, ensuring it matches the expectations of your audience, and review the clarity of your message.

If the language is too complex or jargon-heavy for your intended readers, AI can suggest simpler alternatives or clarify where definitions might be needed.

AI also offers the unique ability to simulate the perspective of different audience segments.

If your product or message targets diverse groups, such as tech enthusiasts and everyday users, AI can predict and evaluate how each group might react to your content.

This insight allows for nuanced adjustments, ensuring that the content is accessible and engaging for all segments, not just those well-versed in the subject matter.

This editing process is not just about correcting errors but about enhancing the overall narrative flow and ensuring that the content is optimized for maximum engagement.

AI can advise on the structure of your arguments, the placement of calls to action, and even the integration of visual aids or multimedia elements that might enhance understanding or appeal.

Integrating AI in this way does more than just speed up the editing process—it injects a level of analytical precision and customization that is difficult to achieve manually.

By harnessing AI for feedback and editing, you not only refine your content but also ensure it resonates deeply, meets SEO criteria, and aligns perfectly with your strategic goals, all while maintaining the authentic voice that your audience trusts.

This method of using AI for feedback and editing not only streamlines the refinement of your content but also ensures that every piece is precisely tailored to meet the needs and expectations of your target audience, enhancing both engagement and effectiveness.

5. Creating Visually Engaging Designs

AI's capabilities extend far beyond the written word, venturing boldly into the visual domain as well.

In today’s highly visual market, the ability to create engaging, relevant, and aesthetically pleasing images and designs is essential.

AI tools are particularly good at generating these kinds of visual contents, but to harness their full potential, a detailed and nuanced approach is necessary.

Let's explore how you can direct AI to produce images that don't just accompany your text but elevate your entire message.

Consider the process of creating a promotional graphic for an upcoming product launch.

The first step isn't to ask AI for a "photo of the product."

Such a request is too vague and might result in a generic image that fails to capture the essence of your brand or the uniqueness of the product.

Instead, the key to success lies in providing AI with precise, detailed instructions.

Detailing Your Vision

Start by describing the scene you envision.

Let’s say your product is a new eco-friendly sneaker.

You might want AI to generate an image that showcases the sneakers being worn in an urban environment, emphasizing a connection between modern city life and sustainable living.

You’d specify not just the setting, but also elements like lighting—perhaps a sunrise to symbolize a new beginning in eco-conscious fashion.

Conveying Emotion

Next, consider the emotions you want to evoke.

For this eco-friendly sneaker, you might aim for a sense of hope, empowerment, and freshness.

Communicate these emotions to the AI, and it can use this information to adjust the facial expressions of any models in the image, the colors used, and even the composition to reflect these feelings.

Specifying Camera Angles and Composition

Detailing the specific camera angles can also dramatically impact how your product is perceived.

A ground-level shot looking up can make the sneakers appear bold and formidable, whereas an overhead shot might give a more laid-back, casual vibe.

Inform the AI of your preferred angles and compositions to align the visuals precisely with your marketing goals.

showing people how they can create lifelike images using AI

Integration with Content

AI can also tailor images to fit seamlessly with the content of your campaign.

If your blog post discusses the technical design of the sneaker, the image could zoom in on the intricate patterns of the recycled materials used.

This not only illustrates your points but also enhances the reader’s understanding and appreciation of the product.

Final Adjustments for Cohesion

Once AI generates a preliminary image, it's not the end of the road.

Like with text, visual content can be refined.

Review the initial output and consider whether it matches the tone of your accompanying text and the overall aesthetic of your brand.

Adjustments can be made, from the saturation and contrast of the colors to the positioning of elements within the design.

By taking this detailed, thoughtful approach to directing AI in image creation, you ensure that the resulting visuals are not only eye-catching but also deeply integrated with the message you want to convey.


The Expanding Role of AI in Marketing

As we wrap up our discussion on the transformative role of AI in marketing, it's clear that this technology is far more than just a tool for increasing efficiency.

AI is opening up new avenues for creativity and connection that were previously unimaginable.

In today’s digital-first world, integrating AI into your marketing toolkit can revolutionize the way you engage with your audience and refine your messaging.

Enhancing Creativity and Engagement

One of the most exciting aspects of AI in marketing is its ability to enhance the creative processes.

By handling the heavy lifting of data analysis and initial content generation, AI frees you and your team to focus on the creative aspects that truly resonate with your audience.

Whether it’s drafting the perfect blog post, designing a visually captivating campaign, or brainstorming innovative marketing strategies, AI can provide the support needed to make these tasks more manageable and effective.

This enables a more dynamic interaction with your audience, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.

Refining Messages in Real-Time

AI's real-time analysis capabilities mean that you can continuously refine your messaging based on current data and feedback.

This agility allows marketers to stay not just relevant but truly aligned with their audience’s needs and preferences.

Imagine tweaking your campaign based on real-time sentiment analysis or adjusting your content strategy in response to new trends identified by AI.

This level of responsiveness is critical in maintaining a competitive edge in the fast-paced digital landscape.

Augmenting, Not Replacing

It’s important to address a common misconception: the goal of AI in marketing isn’t to replace the human touch.

Quite the opposite—the intention is to augment human capabilities.

AI can handle data at a scale and speed that humans simply cannot match, but it lacks the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence that human marketers bring to the table.

By leveraging AI's capabilities, you can enhance your strategic insights and creative expressions without losing the personal touch that makes your brand unique.

The Future is Collaborative

Looking to the future, the role of AI in marketing is likely to grow even more collaborative.

As AI technologies evolve, they will become better at understanding subtleties and nuances, making them even more valuable as partners in the creative process.

This partnership will enable marketers to not only reach their audience more effectively but also to engage with them in increasingly personalized and meaningful ways.

Embracing AI in Your Marketing Strategy

As you consider integrating AI into your marketing efforts, think of it as a powerful ally that can help you unlock new potentials and explore new possibilities.

It’s an exciting time to be in marketing, with AI opening doors to new ways of thinking, creating, and connecting.

Embrace this technology to enhance your strategies, delight your audience, and stay ahead in the continually evolving digital landscape.