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3 Common HubSpot Questions New Clients Have

Posted by Joe Rapier
on October 26, 2017

It can be scary moving from your old platform to HubSpot. With a new interface and so many tools, you're feeling intimidated. Lucky for you, we've got your back. We'll walk you through 3 of the most common HubSpot questions we get from our new clients.

These may seem pretty straightforward to most, but hey, not everyone can know all the things...

Related: 3 HubSpot Automation Tricks


1. How can I add my team to HubSpot?

In short:

  1. Log in to HubSpot
  2. Click the account drop-down at the far right of the black menu
  3. Click "Settings"
  4. Click "Users & Teams" in the left sidebar at the bottom
  5. Click "Create User"

After you login to HubSpot look to the top right of the screen in the black menu. Click on the account drop-down, then click settings. From here look at the bottom of the sidebar on the left, and you'll see an option for "Users & Teams." Click on that, then click on the "Create User" button on the right.

2. How can I edit my website?

In short:

  1. Log in to HubSpot
  2. Click "Content" in the top menu
  3. Click "Website Pages" in the dropdown
  4. Hover over the page you want to edit, click edit
  5. Hover over the preview and click to change an item.
  6. Click the "Update" button to make your changes go live.

Go ahead and log into HubSpot and you'll be greeted by lots of graphs showing how your site is performing. Look up at the top and you'll see a black bar with several links. Click on "Content," this is where your entire website lives and where you can edit your site. From here you'll click on "Website Pages" and you will be brought to a listing of all the pages on your website (almost all anyway, there are also landing pages which we'll cover later). Hover over the page you want to edit, and then click the edit button that shows up. Now we're in the Content Editor. From here, it's as easy as hovering over the preview of your site and clicking on the item you want to change. Each module will bring up a menu once you click on it that gives you options to change. For the most part these are straight-forward, but the Rich Text module is the most advanced. Rich text modules will have a menu with several buttons popup, and the best way to know what these buttons do is to hover over each one until the tooltip appears to tell you what it does. Get familiar with each one because the Rich Text module allows you to go beyond adding text and images and by giving you the ability to change the design itself. All your changes will be saved automatically, so you can always leave and come back later. You'll know it's saved because a small message will appear next to the "Update" telling you the changes were saved. When you're ready to make your changes go live, click the "Update" button.

As you start editing, you're probably going to have more questions. We'll cover advanced editing in another article.

3. How can I make a new website page?

In short:

  1. Navigate to "Website Pages"
  2. Click "Create website pages"
  3. Click on the template you want to use
  4. Type the page's name, and click "Create"
  5. Click "Settings" above the Content Editor
  6. Add a title, URL path, and meta description
  7. Click "Update"

Navigate to website pages like we did earlier. At the top right click the "Create website page" button. Next you'll see a list of templates you own. If you know/have an idea of the template's name, search for it. If you purchased templates from the marketplace you can click the "Purchased" option in the left sidebar to narrow down the options. Otherwise you probably have custom built templates and your developer should have a naming convention you can search with to find them. Once you find the template you want, click on it, type in a name for your new page, and click the create button. Now you'll be taken to the Content Editor we visited before. Now, there will be one extra step you have to do before you can make this page live. After you're done with your edits, look at the top and click "Settings." You'll need to add a title (this is the text that displays in the browser tab), a URL path, and a meta description. After you do that you can click "Update" and make the page live.

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Tell me if this sounds like you:

You're an overwhelmed marketer or business owner working to build a scalable brand strategy.
Currently, you're focused on building a better website for your company (or making your existing website perform better). Specifically, you're hoping to launch something that creates a consistent flow of calls and demos on your sales calendar.


You're about to discover the key that has unlocked website success for thousands of brands across the world. And now, it is offered as a downloadable template pack that will teach you how to easily plug and play amazing content and layout to make your website generate leads like never before.


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