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The 4 Biggest Misconceptions in Architecture Lead Generation

Written by Tammy Lakes | Feb 10, 2015 5:30:00 PM


There is always room for growth and an increase in profit. The real problem is obtaining more qualified leads. It is that defining moment in business where it is important not to fall into the rut of waiting for the phone to ring or someone to walk through your office door.

Being proactive for your firm is the first step in improving your company’s position. These four biggest misconceptions in architecture lead generation will help you achieve your goals.

Related Post: 4 Landscape Architecture Marketing Strategies to Make Your Firm Grow

1. Your Reputation Speaks for Itself

The reputation of your architecture firm is the foundation stone on which the rest of your business is built. It is part of any outstanding structure in building your firm’s stamina.

Customer service, architect-client relations, design teams, and many other facets within the firm will assist in building that impeccable reputation.

Do not forget to constantly feed that reputation by continuing superior services for your clients. Many people make the mistake of forgetting that when out in public you are still representing your firm.

Some architects feel that their work should speak for itself when looking at a company’s reputation. This is another case of an easily misconceived theory.

Look at your firm’s reputation as a growing plant. You need to constantly water the plant to stay green, just like your firm needs green to stay in business.

“Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.”

~ Zig Ziglar

2. Word of Mouth is All You Need

The traditional marketing thought,  “word of mouth is all you need,” is still important. Do not mistake this theory as the golden rule to increase leads.

Word of mouth is a great tool BUT not the only one you need to be relying on.

The biggest misconception with this lead generating tool is how word of mouth can be spread.   

It is commonly thought of as a lead generating task that is simply talking to someone at a dinner party or an enthusiastic client bragging about the new office built by your firm.

You can actually be active in the word of mouth process by using social media and other inbound marketing techniques. By being involved in social networks, you keep your image current and visible.

In a nutshell, word of mouth has gone viral using the technology that a majority of your prospective clients always have with them. Use this technology to your advantage and help yourself be seen online.

3. Going to the Same Networking Events Will Generate More Business

It is human nature to do what we are comfortable doing - a routine if you will.

Perhaps you look forward to annual award and seminar events hosted for architects - that networking extravaganza where the opportunity to see old colleagues and spend time sharing battle stories of cantankerous clients abounds.

This is an exciting time - a chance to recharge the lead process and check out new technology and tools to make your job easier. Yes, you know the events I am talking about, where booths are lined up with samples and demonstrations of all the newest architecture industry necessities.

While the concept of networking at these events is important, considering it a guaranteed lead generation tactic is yet another mistake. This is not uncommon, and I am not saying it is a waste of time at all. It is a necessary part of generating leads, but you have to understand how to make it work for you.

Use this time to gather all that free information out there. Having the knowledge of the latest tools used in this industry will make you a knowledge leader in your field. When a lead hears and sees the knowledge you have to offer in the project they need help with, suddenly you become that expert they are looking for. All that knowledge turns to trust!

But where does it go from there? Are you keeping your name out there by utilizing social media? Is there enough word of mouth to keep your reputation alive? Are you sharing that knowledge so people know where to turn?

This is where inbound marketing comes to play. Keep new leads coming by sharing your knowledge through social media at all times of the year - don’t wait for the annual seminars.

Encourage your leads to come to you by taking advantage of the tools technology has to offer.

4. Rubbing Elbows on the Golf Course is How to Grow Your Business

Who doesn’t love a good round of golf? The fresh air and relaxed atmosphere often disguise the competitive side of this popular business meeting activity.

Many businesses consider the golf course as the best place to land high-level executives and make millions, so they sink $50,000 into an annual membership, but seldom do they land that desired client.

What’s the answer? Ditch the golf course. Meeting your associates and business partners on the course is a good way to keep relationships strong, but as a lead generating tactic, it fails.

Quit wasting money on the green and shift your paradigm. Have your prospective clients come to you by staying visible online and posting relevant content instead of spending thousands and going out to find your next potential golf partner.


There is opportunity for lead generation everywhere you turn; however, do not rely on one more than the other. A mixed marketing strategy will enhance your lead generation and ease the burden of the misconception rut.

Understanding that there is more to generating qualified leads is crucial. Traditional ways of lead generation is being revitalized with smarter and more effective techniques such as inbound marketing.

Inbound marketing gives you a start on using the right building blocks to increase lead traffic. The utilization of inbound marketing will also enhance the traditional marketing tools such as word of mouth and your firm’s reputation, and save you money from the expense of useless, out-of-date, marketing practices.

Modify your technique to create a diverse lead selection, as you never know what type of business opportunities will suddenly present themselves to your firm. Most importantly start incorporating inbound marketing to the mix.