Web Canopy Studio Blog

HubL Is The New Black: Why HubSpot COS Is Better Than WordPress

Written by Patrick O'Neal | Sep 14, 2015 6:24:47 PM

 HubL Is The New Black: Why HubSpot COS Is Better Than WordPress

The HubSpot software is a relatively new entry in the world of website platforms.

It’s not always easy to switch platforms, and if you’re considering HubSpot, what makes a migration worth it?

What makes HubSpot’s COS better than WordPress?

The COS offers the ability to expedite development, simplify workflow, and personalize content, all in the same platform.

Here are the biggest reasons why we believe HubSpot is the better choice over WordPress.

Related Post: Affordable HubSpot Templates That Get The Job Done

Meticulously Code Every Template… Or Don’t

The joy of HubSpot COS is that you can be as detailed as you want to be.

Either stick your nose in the code and personally build everything involved, or stay a little less hands-on and take advantage of the visual template editor.

This option allows you to create your own workflow based on your development preference.

Taking advantage of the visual editor expedites the development process, giving HubSpot a leg up on WordPress.


If you love coding and developing everything from scratch, the COS is a perfect fit for you.

Create your templates with HTML and HubL, HubSpot’s template coding language.

Have your say in exactly how you want the wireframe to look, and don’t bother dealing with a visual builder when designing your website.

If you hate coding and developing from scratch, the COS is still a perfect fit!

The beauty of working with the HubSpot COS is that you can also utilize the visual template builder format to guide you along the way.

The developer in me loves to have the ability to tweak every possible detail of each element, but I also love the ability to see the visual display of the modules and groups as I create and modify them.

The COS’s pre-built editor comes packed with responsiveness already covered, so if you’re developing in this format, all you have to do is place each module into the template and let the COS do all the work on different mobile devices.

The level of detail required in the HubSpot COS is entirely dependent on the level of dedication you’re willing to commit to when building in the template editor.

One Size Fits All, But It Doesn’t Have To

HubSpot’s COS has several features that make it stand out over WordPress.

The template builder allows you to build a design-specific template that can then be used for every site page or landing page you wish to use it on.

You can tweak or manipulate these templates down the road, and it will take effect on all pages using that template.

What’s great about this setup  is that everything is editable on each page, so you don’t have to break back into the template builder if you want a certain section different on other pages.

However, in most cases, headers and footers aren’t supposed to change.

If you want a section that never changes across the whole site, you can take advantage of global groups.

By making a group global, you have created a universal section that cannot be overwritten in the page editor.

These groups remain constant throughout all pages using them.

So, you build a template, and all pages using it are identical - woohoo.

What if you want to tweak it?

What if you want certain sections on certain pages and certain forms on others?

That’s the beauty of the COS. All you have to do is clone the template and make your changes.

With a few simple actions, you can turn a fully stylized template into two or more - in a matter of minutes.

Try doing that with WordPress.

Take Advantage Of Powerful Tools And Extensive Controls

HubSpot itself is a powerful tool.

Not only is the COS the perfect tool for building websites, but HubSpot’s CMS stores all your content as well as extensive analytics of your visits and who has made contact with your company.

Keep track of your social media profiles and schedule your posts for each. Utilize A-B testing to determine what design best fits your target audience.

The possibilities are endless with this platform, and all your content and data are stored here.

Nothing beats having your entire marketing platform in one place.

The combination of HubSpot’s tools and capabilities make it a huge contender in the website development arena.

With the file manager, social media management, analytics, and development tools all in a single place, you save yourself a great deal of time, energy, and money that you would waste using multiple platforms and plugins with WordPress.

Of course, the tools extend outside of simply template development.

Even the page editors have great surprises, like the option for implementing Smart Content.

By utilizing HubSpot’s Smart Content, you can determine what content your visitor sees based on specific conditions.

From location to lifecycle stage to even the device your visitor uses, you can personalize each page’s content, leading to a much more powerful website.

Unlimited Customization: Fluctuate Between Styles For Every Campaign Or Need

It’s time to break through the monotony of a limited platform and put WordPress on the shelf.

In my experience, I have never seen a multi-themed WordPress site without the use of subdomains, extensive plugins, or other WordPress builds.

All custom themes have colors, styles, sizes, etc. that work universally throughout the entire domain.

The only way to get past that is to hard code any exceptions on each individual page or template, and that can become ridiculous fairly quickly.

HubSpot trumps WordPress on customizability as well as maintainability.

Your workflow is simplified tremendously when switching to HubSpot.

Instead of building a theme and testing it with every update on WordPress, build and test multiple themes while still maintaining a live site and switch everything over with a simple click of a button.

With everything in one place, from pages and posts to templates and HubL tokens, HubSpot speeds up everything and leaves WordPress in the dust.

And that’s not all!

If you ever have any questions involving the COS or implementing certain features of the template builder, HubSpot also offers top-notch support.

I used to be on the phone with one of their team at least once a week when I was learning the system, and I’ve never met one of their support staff that was unwilling to be helpful.

If they’re unable to provide a solution, there are many other avenues to explore, including an entire site dedicated to documentation and tips as well as their designers forum.

Most of the time, other HubSpot users are more than happy to share their knowledge with each other.

The resources are endless when you work with the HubSpot community.

HubSpot is an ever-expanding platform, and each of the updates is made based on user input.

New features come in; outdated features go out.

It’s the greatest CMS I’ve ever used, and I couldn’t be happier making the switch.

All these reasons are why HubSpot COS is better than WordPress and its sister platforms.

It’s time to cast aside the old ways of a high-maintenance, one-trick pony and switch to the powerful HubSpot COS and see just how your website development can benefit from this great software package.